Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Kitchen Pantry

It's where it all begins. The place where our ingredients and kitchen imaginations are stored. The place where we keep our go-to snacks (mmm...popcorn). Or it's the place we go in search of a sweet treat to satisfy the sweet tooth, perhaps a Swiss Cake Roll hiding behind the jar of peanut butter. It's the place where our meal planning begins in hopes of creating a bountiful kitchen table for our families. It's the Kitchen Pantry.

Herein lies the problem. Yep, you guessed it. No kitchen pantry. For years, I had stuffed all of my dry ingredients and snacks in a small cabinet beside my refrigerator. I couldn't handle it any longer. I had been perusing through several photos of repurposed armoires and quickly found my solution! After a quick search on Craigslist, I found just the armoire I needed. Later that evening, we hopped in the truck, picked up the armoire, and drove through a fierce thunderstorm with my unprotected "diamond in the rough" on the way back home. Not to worry, it survived.

We got straight to work, dismantling the TV armoire and creating a game plan. The next morning we headed off to our local home improvement store to get our necessary supplies to complete the project. See that Sander Deglosser below? Yea, that stuff is amazing. Seriously, who wants to hand sand a huge armoire for painting and priming? Not this girl. Simply wipe it on, and in minutes, it creates a nice sanded finish, ready for painting. Genius, simply genius.

And of course, we used our trusty little Kreg Jig for the shelves. If you don't have one, get one. Enough said.

Little B and Little E were big helpers. Just keep the apple juice and goldfish coming.


And with a blink of an eye (more like 5 days), our little armoire transformation was complete. It's everything I had dreamed of and more. Check out those spice racks. The oh-so-sweet huband made those come to life. Now, where to store the Swiss Cake Rolls and White Donuts so Little B can't find them when I'm not looking...?


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