Thursday, June 13, 2013

Throwback Thursday

During our initial brainstorming sessions about blog flow, Sarah-with-an-H threw out the idea of incorporating Throwback Thursday posts.  Since our friendships are still quite young, we agreed that testing and sharing cocktail recipes to 'throw back' would be easier to regularly pen instead of reminiscing over memories.  After all, like most Southern Ladies, sometimes we like our sweet tea with something a little stronger than sugar.

BUT, this is my first post so I'm going to go rogue.  Watch out.

Since our annual ladies' weekend, I've been wondering how to introduce myself during a theme post.  Then I received this:

I started a new job this week.  I love it and think I've found a career I'm passionate about long-term.  However, with a new job comes a new office, new routine, and, of course, new co-workers.  All things which take a while for most to grow accustom to comfortably.  All things which have caused me to realize how much I truly cherish my year with K & S as co-workers and am grateful for our continued friendship despite the fact we have gone our separate ways.  While we have different lifestyles and settings, we bond over our faith, marriage&family values, and life passions (food, crafts, photography, farming, travel ... the list could go on and on).  Even though today's post was intended to inspire specialty drink-ology, I kept defaulting to the originally intended message in 'throw back' posts.  I just couldn't help but be nostalgic this week.

So here's to the best co-workers (and friends) ever:

Summer Whiskey
1 shot Jack Daniel's Honey Whiskey
8 oz Ginger Ale
Maraschino Cherries

Enjoy y'all!

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